Frequently Asked Questions

We are trying to solve your Questions, if not found your Questions , Contact Us.
- How do I create a student account?
- Open the URL of www.orthotraining.com
- Click on Create Account
- Choose the Role as Student
- Fill out the details in a form and complete the process.
- You get an email with the credentials details.
- How can I purchase a course?
- Open the URL of www.orthotraining.com
- Click on Sign in page
- Enter the User ID and Password
- Click on Sign In button
- You can view the courses on the home page.
- Click on Purchase button on the required course, proceed with the process for completing to purchase a course
- What should I do if I have lost my password?
- Open the URL of www.orthotraining.com
- Click on Sign in page
- Enter your User ID and click on Forgot Password button
- Enter User ID and Captcha
- Click on Sent New Password button
- You get an email with the link for resetting the password
- Open the Email, click on the reset password link, you get the screen, to enter the new password and confirm the password.
- Is it necessary to select a faculty while creating a student account?
- It is not mandatory to select a faculty while creating a student account.
- When you purchase a course, you will be associated with that particular faculty if you are already a member, or else you create an account.
- Do I need to choose a mentor when creating a student account?
- It is not mandatory to select a Mentor while creating a student account.
- How can I make a payment for the course?
- Open the URL www.orthotraining.com
- Search the courses for which you would like to enroll
- Click on Purchase button
- Proceed the steps till you make the payment with your credit card or Debit card with the integrated Payment Gateway.
- How can I request a refund if I decide not to continue with the course?
- You can request to the admin team for refund process till you do not access any course
- Once you access the course, then you are not eligible for refund the amount
- Can I extend my course access dates?
- You can request the Admin team to extend the course dates, it will be accepted only based on mutual understanding but not mandatory.
- How can I communicate with my faculty or mentor for clarifications?
- You can communicate with faculty or mentor through an emails
- How do I access the courses I have enrolled in?
- Login to the OrthoTraining website
- You are redirected a page My Courses
- You can view all the lists of enrolled courses.
- Click on the Continue button of any course to access the course.
- How can I view my dashboard to track my progress?
- Login to the OrthoTraining website
- By default you are redirected to My Courses Page
- Click on Dashboard page
- You can view your course's status.
- How can I download my certificate?
- Login to the OrthoTraining website
- By default you are redirected to My Courses Page
- Click on Dashboard page
- You can view your course's status.
- If your courses are completed, then you can view the Yes button as green font color.
- Click on the Download Certificate button.
- The certificate will be downloaded in your local system, save it in your folder.
- Not Found your question?We are trying to solve your Questions, if not found your Questions , Contact Us.
- How do I create a mentor account?
- Open the URL of www.orthotraining.com
- Click on Create Account
- Choose the Role as Mentor
- Fill out the details in a form and complete the process.
- You get an email with the credentials details.
- What is the process for registering student accounts?
- Open the URL of www.orthotraining.com
- Click on Sign In page
- Enter the User ID and Password, click on Sign in button
- You will be navigated to Manage Users page
- Click on Students
- Click on Create Student
- Provide the student details and click on Create account button
- The corresponding student as well as the mentor gets emails.
- How can I register multiple student accounts at once?
- Open the URL of www.orthotraining.com
- Click on Sign In page
- Enter the User ID and Password, click on Sign in button
- You will be navigated to Manage Users page
- Click on Students
- Click on Create Student
- Click on the Click Here button the bottom of the form to create multiple students at a time
- Click on Import Student Users Template, it is downloaded in your local system
- Give the details of the students in the downloaded excel template and save it.
- Click on Browse button and upload the students details saved file and continue the process.
- The students and you get emails.
- How do I assign courses to the students?
- Open the URL of www.orthotraining.com
- Click on Sign In page
- Enter the User ID and Password, click on Sign in button
- You will be navigated to Welcome Page
- Click on Purchase Course Bundles button under Enroll Course Bundles
- You are redirected to a screen where you can observe Enroll now button
- Click on Enroll now button, can view the list of students to whom you need to map the course
- Select the student and proceed further to pay the amount to map the course.
- Corresponding students get an email after mapping the course successfully
- How can I make payments on behalf of the students?
- Open the URL of www.orthotraining.com
- Click on Sign In page
- Enter the User ID and Password, click on Sign in button
- You will be navigated to Welcome Page
- Click on Purchase Course Bundles button under Enroll Course Bundles
- You are redirected to a screen where you can observe Enroll now button
- Click on Enroll now button, can view the list of students to whom you need to map the course
- Select the student and proceed further to pay the amount to map the course.
- Corresponding students get an email after mapping the course successfully
- Is it possible to extend the course access dates for my students?
- No, You don't have access to extend the course dates to your students. Please reach out to corresponding faculty to proceed on it.
- What steps should I take to request a refund for a student who has not accessed the courses?
- Refund process will be done only till your students do not access any course.
- Once your students do any of the courses, then they are not eligible for the refund.
- How do I create courses as a mentor?
- As a Mentor you do not have the privileges to create any courses.
- However, based on your students' request, you can inform your faculty for any course creation.
- How can I select a faculty member when creating an account?
- Open the URL of www.orthotraining.com
- Click on Create Account
- Choose the Role as Mentor
- Fill out the details in a form
- Select a Faculty from the list of faculties
- Proceed further by giving all the details.
- Click on Sign In button
- You get an email with the credentials details.
- How can I view the performance dashboard of my students?
- Open the URL of www.orthotraining.com
- Click on Sign In page
- Enter the User ID and Password, click on Sign in button
- You will be navigated to Welcome Page
- Click on Track Performance in Dashboard Reports
- You are redirected to a page where you can view the students performance like, what courses, when did they finish, score, view time, and certificate status.
- Not Found your question?We are trying to solve your Questions, if not found your Questions , Contact Us.
- How do I create a faculty account?
- Open the URL of www.orthotraining.com
- Click on Create Account
- Choose the Role as Faculty
- Fill out the details in a form and complete the process.
- You get an email with the credentials details.
- What is the process for creating courses as a faculty member?
- Open the URL of www.orthotraining.com
- Click on Sign in Page
- Provide User ID and Password, click on Sign in button
- Click Create Course Page
- Click on Create New Course button
- Provide all the details in the page and create a new course.
- How can I register student accounts under my faculty?
- No, Your mentor will create the student accounts
- How can I register multiple student accounts at once under my faculty?
- No, Your mentor will create the student accounts
- How do I assign courses to the students under my faculty?
- Your mentor will do the process to assign the courses to them
- How can I make payments on behalf of the students?
- Your mentor will do the payment for the courses on the behalf of the students.
- Is it possible to extend the course access dates for the students under my faculty?
- Open the URL of www.orthotraining.com
- Click on Sign in Page
- Provide User ID and Password, click on Sign in button
- Click on Create Course page
- Can view all the list of courses
- For which course you would like to extend the dates,for that course click on gear icon of Action column.
- Select the Extend Students Duration option
- Select the student(s) and enter the number of days like 15, 20, 30 etc and click on Update Details.
- Can view a successful message.
- What steps should I take to request a refund for a student who has not accessed the courses?
- You can follow the steps involved in the Payment Gateway process, which is integrated in your website.
- How can I view the performance dashboard of the students under my faculty?
- Open the URL of www.orthotraining.com
- Click on Sign In page
- Enter the User ID and Password, click on Sign in button
- Click on Dashboard page
- You can view the students performance either coursewise or student wise, with multiple parameters like Course completed date, duration, status of the course completed or not, and does the user can download the certificate or not?
- How can I publish a certificate of the courses to the students?
- Open the URL of www.orthotraining.com
- Click on Sign In page
- Enter the User ID and Password, click on Sign in button
- Click on Create Course page, can view all list of courses.
- Click on particular course, redirected a page where can view all the menu options
- Click on Certificate option on the left hand side page
- Provide the name of the certificate, give the Passed score as 80 then click on Publish button.
- You can view the successful message like a certificate published successfully.
- Not Found your question?We are trying to solve your Questions, if not found your Questions , Contact Us.
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9858 E Gray Rd,
Scottsdale, AZ 85260, USA.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260, USA.
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