COURSE NAME : 20.10.v4-The New Patient Orthodontic Exam-Parts 1-5


20.10.v4-The New Patient Orthodontic Exam-Parts 1-5 Course Description

Presentations: 4 hours Run Time, 5 Knowledge Quizzes: 105 Questions, 5 CE Credits

Contents of the 20.10.v4-The New Patient Orthodontic Exam-Parts 1-5 Lessons

Welcome to the “New Patient Orthodontic Exam” course, Lesson 01. This course covers a lot of detail. Many orthodontists do not usually interview and examine a new patient. Often, they just take “orthodontic records” and depend on those records to give them all of the information they need to diagnose and treatment plan a patient. Then they discover during treatment that they missed diagnosing a significant finding, and the treatment will not correct the problem to the patient’s satisfaction.

So, to avoid that problem, this course will teach you every detail about how to look at a patient orthodontically, and mentally come up with a basic idea about the treatment options by the time you finish the exam. Then you will have all the information from this exam and records to do a complete diagnosis and write an effective treatment plan.

Below is the SCRIPT of entire presentation about the New Patient Orthodontic Exam. You may want to read this script rather than listening to the audio. 

When you complete this course, 20.10.v4-The New Patient Orthodontic Exam-Parts 1-5, you will be able to:

  1. Interview the patient noting
  1. critical medical and dental history
  2. growth data
  3. patient attitudes and expectations
  1. Examine a patient in 12 areas of concern

1. Radiographic dental findings on a panoramic radiograph

2. Facial evaluation

3. Smile evaluation

4. Profile evaluation

5. Function habits

6. TMJ findings

7. Dentition

8. Oral Health and periodontal findings

9. The occlusion first looking at A‐P or anterior‐posterior relationships

10. then Transverse relationships or side to side relationships

11. then Vertical relationships up and down

12. and finally Perimeter findings, which are all the details about the teeth

  1. Summarize the findings to the patient
  2. Suggest possible treatment alternatives that will be confirmed with orthodontic records

There are 5 Lessons for this course, the New Patient Orthodontic Exam. They are:

01-NPOE-Interview and History

02-NPOE-Radiographic Exam

03-NPOE-Face, Smile, and Profile Evaluation

04-NPOE-Habits, TMJ Evaluation, Dentition Exam, Perio Evaluation

05-NPOE-Occlusal Relationships Exam

Each lesson consists of an assignment to view the presentation and complete the Knowledge Quiz. The best way to learn this material is to print out the New Patient Exam Form Page 1 and Page 2 listed under Resources below and, then, as you go through the presentation where a patient is being examined, fill in the form just as the operator is doing in the video. In the hands-on experience, you will examine a classmate under the guidance of your Mentor making notes on the New Patient Exam Form in a similar way.

So, start now or at a time when you can focus your attention and learn the information in the presentation.  

New Patient Orthodontic Exam

            Lesson 01-History and Interview

Presentation Assignment- View and learn this presentation answering each embedded quiz question. When you answer the last slide question, click "Finish" and that will close the presentation.

Now that you have “learned” the presentation, you should rest your brain, let your neurons “process” the new information and make the answers to the quiz questions go into long term memory so you can recall them later. Once you have rested your brain, take these Knowledge Quiz that will make your brain recall the correct answers again, making sense, reinforcing your learning so you can “recall” these important points when you “do” this New Patient Orthodontic Exam in clinic.


Download these links to documents that will help you learn the content of the New Patient Orthodontic Exam course.

New Patient Orthodontic Exam SCRIPT

New Patient Orthodontic Exam-Long Outline

New Patient Orthodontic Exam Form Page 1

New Patient Orthodontic Exam Form Page 2­

New Patient Orthodontic Exam

Lesson 02-Radiographic Exam

View the presentation about how to evaluate the panoramic radiograph of a child patient, and adolescent, and an adult patient. Continue to complete the New Patient Exam Form-Page 2, so you will be able to make accurate notes on the exam form while you are examining the panorex.


New Patient Orthodontic Exam Page 1

New Patient Orthodontic Exam Page 2


New Patient Orthodontic Exam

Lesson 03-Evaluation of the Face, Smile, and Profile

View this presentation about how to evaluate the face, smile, and profile of a patient. Continue to complete the New Patient Exam Form-Page 2, so you will be able to make accurate notes on the exam form while you are examining the patient in the video. You will need to know how to do this exam in the Hands-on Session.


New Patient Orthodontic Exam Page 1

New Patient Orthodontic Exam Page 2


New Patient Orthodontic Exam

Lesson 04-Evaluating Patient Habits, TM Joints, Dentition, and Periodontium

View the presentation about how to evaluate the patient’s habits, TM joints, dentition, and periodontium. Continue to complete the New Patient Exam Form-Page 2, so you will be able to make accurate notes on the exam form while you are examining these patient areas as you will do in the Hands-on Sessions.


New Patient Orthodontic Exam Page 1

New Patient Orthodontic Exam Page 2

New Patient Orthodontic Exam

Lesson 05-Orthodontic Relationships Evaluation

View the presentation about how to evaluate the orthodontic relationships. You will evaluate these relationships in 4 Planes of Space:

  1. Anterior-Posterior (A-P) Relationships
  2. Transverse (Horizontal) Relationships
  3. Vertical Relationships
  4. Perimeter (Tooth) Findings

Continue to complete the New Patient Exam Form-Page 2, so you will be able to make accurate notes on the exam form while you are examining the patient in the hands-on session.


New Patient Orthodontic Exam Page 1

New Patient Orthodontic Exam Page 2


New Patient Orthodontic Exam

            Hands-on Training and Practice

You will have hands-on training in doing the New Patient Orthodontic Exam on a classmate under the guidance of your Mentor. This is the most important activity for learning because you are using all of your brain to perform this procedure. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but if you cannot do this, then the knowledge will be wasted. In this OrthoTraining learning, we try to have you learn it and then go do it before you forget how to do it. Do not worry about making mistakes the first times you do this exam. You have no experience examining a patient orthodontically. A lot of “diagnosing” what you see is based on experience. The main point you need to learn is that if you never “look” at a patient, you will never see the problems or be able to diagnose what is going on. Successful orthodontic treatment involves a critical evaluation of the patient first and foremost. This is true in all aspects of medicine and dentistry.

There are 4 assignment links below.

    1. The first assignment is that you use the New Patient Exam Steps Checklist to guide you when you are practicing examining your classmate in the hands-on session.
    2. The second assignment is that you evaluate the accuracy of the notes you made on the Exam Form using the New Patient Exam Form Quality Checklist. If you do not make good notes on the Exam Form, it is a wasted effort and of no value in the future.
    3. The third assignment is when you feel you are ready to have your ability to examine a new patient assessed, then your Mentor will monitor your performance of the NPOE Steps Checklist that will be time tracked and accuracy tracked.
  1. The fourth assignment will be the quality and accuracy of your notations of your findings as made on the New Patient Orthodontic Exam Form using the NPOE Quality Checklist.

Check your Student Dashboard Report for a printout of your performance and CE Certificate for completion of this course.

Course Description Ended Here